The Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 E…

The key objective is that by the end of the event all delegates (Clients, Designers, Principal Designers, Contractors) will understand their legal obligations and best practice and provide a clear understanding of the CDM Regulations 2015. Who is the course aimed at? This course is aimed at all the duty holder under the regulations including Clients, Designers, Principal Designers, Principal Contractors and Contractors. Learning outcomes: Ensure Clients understand their duties in relation to managing projects and the appointment of the relevant duty holders Provide guidance on the Notification of projects and who notifies Ensure all duty holders understand the regulations in relation to domestic clients General duties and responsibilities of all parties under the regulations Ensure Designers understand their duties to themselves and the Client Provide guidance for Principal Designers in relation to health and safety at the pre-construction phase Provide guidance Construction phase plan and health and safety file Give an overview of the Principal Contractors duties in relation to health and safety at the construction phase Give an overview of the duties of contractors Benefits to your business Ensure you meet your legal responsibilities from a company and client perspective Improved organisation-wide CDM awareness and appreciation of the CDM Regulations Provide Continual Professional Development to staff Improve Health & Safety standards on projects and promote good practice Ensures you can assess and control risks and hazards through the design process Ensures you understand your own responsibilities for safety and health Allows for personal reflections on good practice This course will provide you with the opportunity to discuss any real issues that you are currently dealing with and also to  ask the trainer any questions you may have.