Strength & Neuromuscular Conditioning for Rehabilitation

An evidence-based comprehensive course that introduces you to the fundamentals of strength and neuromuscular conditioning within rehabilitation settings and takes you right through to learning how harness contemporary scientific principles to optimise your outcomes with patients.  Delivered by Dr Claire Minshull, one of the UK’s most highly respected rehabilitation specialists and founder of Get Back to Sport. Strength training is not bodybuilding.   This course is applicable to both upper and lower limb specialists and those who deal with high functioning athletes, older adults with degenerative problems and anyone else in between. Outcomes In this course, you will discover the art and science of strength and neuromuscular training. You will: expand your rehabilitation toolbox of exercise prescription, for strength and power understand how you can manipulate exercise programmes for different conditions and get better, faster results learn current scientific techniques to maximise rehabilitation gains for minimal effort learn training techniques that can attenuate performance losses in the injured limb, even when the limb is immobilised in a cast understand perdiodisation and how to apply it to rehabilitation learn the limitations of prescribing 3 sets of 10 understand why older patients should be performing heavy resistance training and how to do this Who’s it For: Physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors & MSK rehabilitation professionals Those involved in exericse prescription Applicable to both upper and lower limb specialists There is an advanced Level 2 course for those who’ve completed Level 1 Level 1 Topics: Indices of neuromuscular performance & dynamic joint stability (strength, rate of force development etc). Terminology and definitions Efficacy of rehabilitation and conditioning interventions – for example what ‘is’ strength and thus how to optimally train it Measurement & evaluation of indices of performance & underlying physiological events The hierarchy of importance of indices of performance on dynamic joint stability The performance characteristics and adaptation capability of contractile and non-contractile tissue The ‘time frame for injury’ The principles of specificity, overload & progression & critical evaluation of rehabilitation and conditioning literature Group practcal work including:  design of progressive strength-focussed and separate power-focussed rehabilitation interventions for specific clinical case studies.   Dose-response prescriptions for true muscle strengthening, OR muscle power interventions with progressions and regressions to accommodate patients with different physical capabilities and goals Template of phased prescrition of what to focus on and when throughout an early-to end-stage rehabilitation programme.