Dawn Chorus Walk

Celebrate the arrival of spring and hear nature’s daily miracle, the dawn chorus with a guided walk by Peter Cowdrey from Planet Birdsong.

About this Event

We live in a world of noise and often shut our ears to birdsong, relegating it to a background, ambient noise. This guided walk led by Peter Cowdrey, composer and founder of Planet Birdsong (www.planetbirdsong.org), will bring birdsong back into the foreground, providing a space for us to listen and understand the voice of the land. Peter will talk about the songs, calls and meanings of common bird species found at Skipwith Common.

About Planet Birdsong Planet Birdsong is a UK based charitable initiative devoted to engaging the greatest possible number of citizens with bird songs and calls, an international language that transcends geographical and species boundaries. Founders are Peter Cowdrey and Liz Cowdrey and their initiative is multi-disciplinary, involving scientists, conservationists, musicians, educators and IT professionals. Peter Cowdrey is a composer, pianist and ornithologist. As a small boy he loved listening to the dawn chorus but was deeply frustrated at birdsong’s inaccessibility – too fast, too high, and resolutely resistant to being shoehorned into what was generally defined as music. Peter is excited that advances in technology have made it possible to crack the hidden codes of birdsong and is on a mission to share them with the rest of the world, especially children.

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